Thursday, September 15, 2011

Stuck On Earth

I feel stuck on earth too. Common feeling we must all share. However if you donate to this project you could feel a little less lonely in the meantime. We have 10 days to raise 8,000 dollars to finish the final production of the documentary film "Stuck on Earth".

The film is about the Ginger Ninjas and Cellojoe riding their bicycles unsupported by vehicles on a 7 month long bicycle Odyssey through Mexico.  Performing along the way with their pedal powered amps and good intentions they met a filmmaker named Sergio Morkin.
Please visit the the Kickstarter page Kickstarter Stuck on Earth
to donate and find out more about the project. There are a lot of cool prizes for your contributions!

My goal is to have $6,000 donated to the project from Elko county so we can have a bicycle music festival next June. It wouldn't take much from everyone just a little bit. We could probably even raise more than that and just make up the difference that there still is. HEY and if we are stuck on earth here, why don't we make it better for ourselves and have a bicycle music festival in our town?